What happens when an SMSF isn’t compliant?

What happens when an SMSF isn’t compliant?

As SMSF auditors, we review thousands of funds every year, many will be compliant. However, there are always some that don’t meet what the law requires. This doesn’t mean trustees are deliberately flouting the law, nor does it mean the accountant or...
2016 Budget Notes

2016 Budget Notes

Tuesday May 3rd will not be looked upon fondly by many retirees, given the restriction on tax concessions for those with balances over $1.6 million and the cash rate cut affecting the income return on stable and conservative cash deposits held by many. Superannuation...
How to have a good SMSF audit Part 1

How to have a good SMSF audit Part 1

We have detailed below documents required to have  an efficient and quick audit.   Initial fund engagement An auditor needs to review the funds permanent documents. This includes the following documents:-​ The original Trust Deed, and any amendments/upgrades to the...
End of financial year tips for SMSF trustees

End of financial year tips for SMSF trustees

As the end of the financial year looms, now is a good time to review your Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF). Take the time now to ensure your fund is in great shape and 30 June ready.  • Valuation of investments: Ensure the assets in your fund have a current...
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