We have detailed below documents required to have an efficient and quick audit.
Initial fund engagement
An auditor needs to review the funds permanent documents. This includes the following documents:-
- The original Trust Deed, and any amendments/upgrades to the deed.
- Signed member applications, Signed trustee consent to act. Signed ATO Trustee Declarations for all trustees and directors appointed after 1 July 2007.
- Minutes of Trustee meetings held during the year.
- Signed investment strategy
- Signed audit engagement letter
- Signed audited financial reports and member statements
- Signed audit report
- Tax return
- Audit management letter and any contravention reports or correspondence from the ATO
- Final Financial Statements – Statement of financial position, Operating Statement, Notes to the accounts and member statements for each member.
- 2015 Fund tax return
- Investment income & movement reports, statement of taxable income and deferred tax reconciliation
- Trial Balance and General Ledger
- Bank statements for financial year
- Bank statements for July/August
- Copies of term deposits
- Documentation confirming sundry debtors/creditors
- For listed investments details of fund HIN’s/SRN’s holding name and postcode to facilitate online confirmations. Dividend statements.
- Purchase & Sales contracts of listed investments
- For unit trusts and managed investments respective statements, and tax reports.