June contributions – getting the timing right

June contributions – getting the timing right

With 30 June approaching, now is the time to ensure your clients are getting the best outcome from their super contributions. It’s vital to ensure contributions are received before the end of June. For Individuals For SMSFs, contributions need to hit the fund’s bank...
Buying commercial property from a related party

Buying commercial property from a related party

“My client’s Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is buying a commercial property. What will I need to provide for the audit?” When an SMSF buys a commercial property, certain documents and evidence need to be provided for the audit. The specifics depend on whether...
What to Look for When Engaging an SMSF Auditor

What to Look for When Engaging an SMSF Auditor

The recent changes to SMSF auditor independence standards will likely result in tens of thousands of funds moving to different auditors in the next year or so. If you and your clients are in the position of moving to a different SMSF auditor, how can you select one...
Are my SMSF Investments named correctly?

Are my SMSF Investments named correctly?

The benefits of investing in an SMSF allows members to have control over investments and have the choice of investing in many areas such as direct property, listed shares, managed funds, private investments and unique/unusual investments. The super fund holds these...
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